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Key Steps In The Hearing Aid Fitting Process

Aug 24, 2024 | Hearing Aids, Hearing Health

Are You Curious About the Hearing Aid Fitting Process?

Have you recently been diagnosed with hearing loss and are contemplating getting hearing aids? If so, you may be wondering what to expect during the hearing aid fitting process. This article will guide you through the key steps involved in getting fitted for hearing aids so that you can feel more informed and prepared for this important process.

The Importance of Properly Fitted Hearing Aids

Let’s talk about why getting properly fitted hearing aids is crucial for your overall hearing health. When hearing aids are not properly fitted, they may not be effective in helping you hear better and can even cause discomfort. It’s essential to go through the fitting process to ensure that your hearing aids are customized to your specific hearing needs.

Initial Consultation with an Audiologist

The first step in the hearing aid fitting process is scheduling an initial consultation with an audiologist. During this appointment, the audiologist will discuss your hearing loss history, conduct a hearing evaluation, and determine if hearing aids are the right solution for you. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions or voice any concerns you may have about the fitting process.

Hearing Aid Selection

Once it has been determined that you are a candidate for hearing aids, the next step is selecting the right hearing aids for your needs. There are various types of hearing aids available, ranging from behind-the-ear (BTE) to completely-in-canal (CIC) styles. Your audiologist will consider your hearing loss, lifestyle, and personal preferences when recommending the best options for you.

Ear Impressions for Custom-Fit Hearing Aids

If you opt for custom-fit hearing aids, your audiologist will take ear impressions to ensure a perfect fit. Ear impressions involve using a soft silicone material to create a mold of your ear canal, which will be used to manufacture your custom hearing aids. This step is essential for ensuring that your hearing aids are comfortable and offer the best sound quality.

Programming and Adjustments

Once your hearing aids have been selected or custom-made, your audiologist will program them to your specific hearing needs. This involves adjusting the settings such as volume, frequency response, and noise reduction to optimize your hearing experience. Be prepared to visit your audiologist for follow-up appointments to fine-tune the settings and make adjustments as needed.

Hearing Aid Fitting

The fitting appointment is when you will finally receive your hearing aids and try them on for the first time. Your audiologist will show you how to insert and remove the hearing aids, as well as how to clean and maintain them properly. They will also ensure that the fit is comfortable and secure, making any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal performance.

Real-Ear Measurement Verification

To confirm that your hearing aids are providing the right level of amplification for your hearing loss, your audiologist may perform a real-ear measurement verification. This involves inserting a tiny microphone into your ear canal to measure the sound levels produced by the hearing aids. This step helps ensure that your hearing aids are delivering the correct amount of amplification for your specific needs.

Cochlear Implant Fitting Process

If you have severe to profound hearing loss and are a candidate for a cochlear implant, the fitting process will be slightly different. Cochlear implants are surgically implanted devices that bypass the damaged part of the inner ear and directly stimulate the auditory nerve. The fitting process involves programming the implant and working closely with a cochlear implant audiologist to optimize your hearing experience.

Adapting to Your New Hearing Aids

After the fitting process is complete, it’s time to adapt to your new hearing aids and get used to hearing with amplification. It’s common to experience an adjustment period where sounds may seem louder or different than before. Be patient with yourself and give yourself time to acclimate to your new hearing aids. Your audiologist will provide guidance on how to gradually increase your hearing aid usage and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Maintenance and Care Tips for Your Hearing Aids

Proper maintenance and care of your hearing aids are essential for ensuring their longevity and optimal performance. Here are some tips to help you take care of your hearing aids:

  • Clean your hearing aids daily with a soft, dry cloth to remove moisture, wax, and debris.
  • Use a hearing aid dehumidifier or drying kit to keep your hearing aids dry and free of moisture.
  • Avoid exposing your hearing aids to water, extreme temperatures, or harsh chemicals.
  • Store your hearing aids in a safe place away from pets and children when not in use.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for changing batteries and performing basic troubleshooting.

Follow-Up Appointments with Your Audiologist

After you have been fitted with hearing aids, it’s important to schedule follow-up appointments with your audiologist to ensure that your hearing aids are working properly and meeting your needs. Your audiologist may perform additional tests, make adjustments to your hearing aids, or provide counseling to help you adjust to your new hearing devices. Regular check-ups can help monitor your hearing health and address any concerns that may arise.


In conclusion, the hearing aid fitting process is a crucial step in improving your hearing and quality of life. By working closely with your audiologist, you can ensure that your hearing aids are properly fitted and customized to meet your specific needs. Remember to ask questions, voice any concerns, and follow the guidance of your audiologist throughout the fitting process. With the right support and care, you can enjoy the benefits of better hearing and improved communication with the help of properly fitted hearing aids from AudiologyHQ.

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